Greenleys Warriors 9-1 Milton Keynes Topspin


Premier Division

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Date Tuesday 8 November 2022
Start time 19:30
Competition League
Division Premier Division
Venue Greenleys Junior School
Season 2022-2023
Games played 35
Points played 619
Published 28/03/2025 00:31 by David Wackrill.

Both teams went with their regular trio for this one. Warriors fielded Ricky Taiwo, Darren Ward and Chelmsford newbie Shrishlal Basant Rai from their 7 man squad while my Topspin side only have 3 players anyway, Russell Penn, Mervyn Kelly and myself. Warriors were still buoyant from their excellent draw with runaway leaders Kings last week while we were a bit low after our thumping from Monarchs. Not a promising outlook for my team.

So, anyway, Topspin were going along more in hope than expectation, losing set after set as usual, a few good games along the way but nowhere near good enough, with another 10-0 defeat looking likely. Until, that is, we arrive at set no. 8, Shrishlal v Russell, and a welcome change in momentum. Right from the off Russell was dictating the rallies, driving his opponent back to the boards with some fierce flat hitting. We’ve been here many times before over the years of course, Russell devastating in short bursts without lasting the distance, but thankfully not this time. Games 1 and 2 were soon in the bag and a lead of 7-1 established in the 3rd. Almost predictably those sure-fire hits went missing, indifference followed, and that game lost. Could Russell regroup and discover his former dominance? That was the big question now. Absolutely ‘yes’ came the answer as he sailed through the 4th game with aplomb. A joy to behold and it couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.

Man of the match though : Darren Ward