Milton Keynes Cavaliers 5-5 Stony Stratford Crickets


Division Four

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Game Result Score Match score
1 Chris Paddon beat John Aylott (3-0) 11-4, 11-3, 12-10 1-0
2 Chris Welch beat Andy Miller (3-0) 11-6, 13-11, 11-7 2-0
3 Julian Ziegler lost to Max Ruether (1-3) 8-11, 9-11, 11-9, 8-11 2-1
4 Chris Welch & Chris Paddon lost to John Aylott & Max Ruether (0-3) 8-11, 7-11, 4-11 2-2
5 Chris Welch beat John Aylott (3-0) 11-5, 11-6, 11-9 3-2
6 Chris Paddon lost to Max Ruether (0-3) 1-11, 5-11, 6-11 3-3
7 Julian Ziegler beat Andy Miller (3-0) 11-9, 11-5, 11-7 4-3
8 Chris Welch lost to Max Ruether (1-3) 10-12, 9-11, 14-12, 6-11 4-4
9 Julian Ziegler beat John Aylott (3-1) 11-3, 11-6, 11-13, 14-12 5-4
10 Chris Paddon lost to Andy Miller (0-3) 8-11, 9-11, 7-11 5-5
Team Legs won Legs average (%) Points won Points average (%)
Milton Keynes Cavaliers 17 51.52 312 50.73
Stony Stratford Crickets 16 48.48 303 49.27
Team Player Games played Games won Legs played Legs won Legs average (%) Points played Points won Points average (%)
Milton Keynes Cavaliers Chris Paddon 3 1 9 3 33.33 153 70 45.75
Milton Keynes Cavaliers Chris Welch 3 2 10 7 70.00 197 107 54.31
Milton Keynes Cavaliers Julian Ziegler 3 2 11 7 63.64 213 116 54.46
Stony Stratford Crickets John Aylott 3 0 10 1 10.00 185 71 38.38
Stony Stratford Crickets Andy Miller 3 1 9 3 33.33 170 78 45.88
Stony Stratford Crickets Max Ruether 3 3 11 9 81.82 208 121 58.17
Date Wednesday 2 December 2015
Start time 19:30
Competition League
Division Division Four
Venue Milton Keynes Table Tennis Centre
Season 2015-2016
Legs played 33
Points played 615