Milton Keynes Rio Bravos 7-3 Padbury Otters


Division Six

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Set Result Games Score Match score
1 Paul Larking beat Rob Pearson 11-3, 11-8, 13-11 3-0 1-0
2 Dave Donovan beat Wesley Harrison 5-11, 11-13, 11-7, 12-10, 12-10 3-2 2-0
3 Vivek Landge beat Paul D. Sargent 13-11, 6-11, 11-5, 11-3 3-1 3-0
4 John Bradbury & Paul Larking lost to Wesley Harrison & Paul Sargent 7-11, 2-11, 3-11 0-3 3-1
5 Dave Donovan beat Rob Pearson 11-4, 11-6, 11-6 3-0 4-1
6 Paul Larking lost to Paul D. Sargent 8-11, 6-11, 11-9, 11-4, 8-11 2-3 4-2
7 Vivek Landge lost to Wesley Harrison 6-11, 12-10, 2-11, 3-11 1-3 4-3
8 Dave Donovan beat Paul D. Sargent 11-2, 11-8, 11-7 3-0 5-3
9 Vivek Landge beat Rob Pearson 12-10, 9-11, 11-6, 7-11, 11-6 3-2 6-3
10 Paul Larking beat Wesley Harrison 11-6, 9-11, 13-11, 11-9 3-1 7-3
Team Games won Games average (%) Points won Points average (%)
Milton Keynes Rio Bravos 24 61.54 366 51.91
Padbury Otters 15 38.46 339 48.09
Team Player Sets played Sets won Games played Games won Games average (%) Points played Points won Points average (%)
Milton Keynes Rio Bravos Paul Larking 3 2 12 8 66.67 228 123 53.95
Milton Keynes Rio Bravos Dave Donovan 3 3 11 9 81.82 201 117 58.21
Milton Keynes Rio Bravos Vivek Landge 3 2 13 7 53.85 231 114 49.35
Padbury Otters Rob Pearson 3 0 11 2 18.18 200 82 41.00
Padbury Otters Wesley Harrison 3 1 13 6 46.15 249 131 52.61
Padbury Otters Paul Sargent 3 1 12 4 33.33 211 93 44.08
Date Wednesday 13 November 2019
Start time 19:30
Competition League
Division Division Six
Venue Milton Keynes Table Tennis Centre
Season 2019-2020
Games played 39
Points played 705