Published 14/04/2017 at 11:35:04 by Brian Nicholson.
Hi allJust to put out another reminder about the end of year Presentation Evening to be held on Saturday the 22 April at Mursley Village Hall.
Tickets are available now or can be purchased on the night on entry.
This is always an enjoyable evening when members of different clubs can get together for a social chat and acknowledge those who have been successful during the year. On this point, I would make a plea for as many trophy winners as possible to be present, so that we do not have one person collecting four team trophies, many trophies having to be delivered to people afterwards or that I cannot get some decent photos for the Handbook next year.
I know that a number of people may already be booked for something else on that night but if not, please try and make the effort to get along. There will be refreshments and a licenced bar available.
The Committee look forward to seeing you there.