Published 11/09/2017 at 15:42:32 by Brian Nicholson.
Hello everyoneJust to let you know that the handbooks for the new winter season have been given to club secretaries and should shortly be out to team members.
If you have not received one within the next week then please contact your team captain for it.
Please read the items on the inside front cover and note that there are two fixture charts for this season, one for the Premier division and one for leagues 1-6. If you are making your own list of fixtures please check that you are using the correct one. The headings are in bold to distinguish which is which.
The first week of the season starts on the 25 September and I wish all teams a good season.
If anyone would like to send in a short report on any of your matches then please email it to me and I will put it on the web site. I reserve the right to edit reports if needed.