Alf Tebby
Published 30/07/2019 at 18:12:51 by Michael Howard.
With great sadness, I report the passing on Wednesday 23 July of Alf Tebby, a Woburn Sands Club player for over 30 years. Alf was a former Chairman and also a Life Member of the League.Table tennis was a great passion for Alf and he was always happy to support and encourage others within the game, For some years Alf, together with Dave McGarragh and Ken Muhr, coached younsters at Woburn Sands. Dave recalls that Alf was always keen to play in matches, although towards the end of his playing career angina occasionally forced him to withdraw part way through the evening. Alf was Marion Demaine's first league team captain and she states " Alf was a fabulous man. He was funny, helpful, kind and a really good friend", views which will be echoed by everyone who knew him.
Alf's funeral will take place at 1pm on Wednesday 14th August at the Willow Chapel, Crownhill, Milton Keynes, followed by a gathering at the New Inn, New Bradwell. I have spoken to Wendy and she is happy for anyone with memories of Alf to contact her on 01908-310410. She would also welcome an indication, for catering purposes, of numbers who will attend the wake. Wendy has requested that there be no flowers and that any donations in Alf's memory be made to the Alzheimer's Society.