Website updates: loan players report

Published 28/11/2019 at 17:34:47 by Chris Welch; edited 1 times, last on 28/11/2019 at 17:35:53 by Chris Welch.

We put a website update live yesterday that includes a reports section.  Currently the only report available is the Loan Players report, which allows you to see who has played up for whom.

To remind teams, the current rules (season 2019-2020) dictate that a player can play up a maximum of three times; a fourth time will automatically re-register the player for the team for whom they played their fourth match up, meaning they can no longer play for the team for whom they were originally registered.  Players cannot play against the same opposition more than once.

You can access the report from the main menu:

Accessing the new reports menu

You can click on columns on a report to sort it by that column.  The sorting should be correct for the column type (i.e., dates will sort correctly and divisions will show Premier Division, then Divisione One, etc.)

Sorting columns

You can also group columns by using the select list as below, which will give you a group heading with a summary of how many rows.  Grouping by player is probably the most useful, as it will give you the number of times a player has played up and in the child rows you can see against whom.

Grouping columns on reports

You can also use the search field to filter data out.  Searches appear on all fields, so searching "chris" will show you rows where a player's name is "Chris" (and "Christine") as well as rows where a player has played for, against or is on loan from a team in St. Christopher, for example:

Searching report data

The sorting / grouping / searching functionality can be combined to suit your needs.

As a point of interest, report data from previous seasons can be accessed from the "Seasons" menu:

Accessing reports from previous seasons