League AGM 28th May at 7.30 pm-by Zoom

Published 04/05/2020 at 14:10:36 by Michael Howard; edited 1 times, last on 04/05/2020 at 20:22:22 by Michael Howard.

 The League rules specify that there must be an AGM by the end of May in each year. This applies even though the final meatches of the 2019/2020 League programme and other events have not been played. The AGM will take place on Thursday 28th May 2020 at 7.30 pm. It will be held through the Zoom virtual platform, which will allow people to join the meeting using a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. For those without access to one of those items with internet connection, it will be possible to participate in the meeting by phone (audio only).
The Commitee will be holding a virtual meeting by Zoom on Monday 11th May, to discuss what to do about the outstanding matches and undecided league positions, for presentation to the AGM. It is likely that the AGM will only consider the minimum of issues required by the rules and it will not be possible to discuss things as fully as we normally do at an AGM. It will not be possible by 28th May to indicate how the League will function next season, as the national and world situation is so unclear in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the absence of a viable vaccine. The Committee will be considing different possibilities at the forthcomiing meeting.

The formal invitatiion to the AGM, with supporting documents, wiull be sent out following the committee meeting on 11th May. If anyone wishes to suggest amendmetns to League rules for consideration at the AGM, they need to submit the proposed wording by 14th May. This shoudl be sent to Mike Howard by email, as we do not have an appointed League Secreatry.

We continue to have vacancies on the League committee. If anyone wishes to put themselves forward, or to nominate anyone, please ensure that you are able to participate in the AGM. If anyone interested wishes to know more about what being on the committee involves, please contact Mike Howard or speak to one of the other Committee memebrs.