Return to play at Milton Keynes Table Tennis Centre
Published 22/07/2020 at 11:02:35 by Chris Welch; edited 4 times, last on 20/09/2021 at 12:31:29 by Chris Welch.
As a result of COVID-19, Milton Keynes Table Tennis Centre has updated their Codes of Conduct to ensure that a return to play following COVID-19 is safe and in accordance with Table Tennis England and Government Guidelines.Your welfare, and the welfare of fellow players is paramount. Please note that it is the responsibility of all players to ensure that the following principles are followed:
Prior to play:
- If you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or any of your household are self-isolating, you must stay at home and not use our facilities
- If you wish to play, you can book 1 or 2 tables in advance by calling 07833 477481 or messaging the MKTTC Facebook page
- one table may have a ‘bubble’ of max. 3 persons playing on it
- two tables may have a ‘bubble’ of max. 6 persons playing on both tables
- Non-playing spectators are not permitted
- Payment will be by cash on the day - exact change only (£5 per session)
- Parking for the TT Centre will be on the left hand side of the top carpark as you drive in. There may be parking attendants who will allow you access on display of a table tennis bat
- All visitors must sign in on arrival, and supply contact details, to enable Track and Trace
- Proper hand washing with soap (or hand sanitiser) should occur before and after any activity
- Players to enter the building via the main entrance and observe the one way system
- Face coverings are recommended to be worn when not playing
- You must adhere to the 2 metre social distancing guidelines at all times
- You should take responsibility for your own hygiene and are encouraged to bring your own hand sanitiser
During play:
- Players should not share bats
- Balls can be shared but must be washed / wiped with sanitiser regularly
- Players must only play within their ‘bubble’ of 3 (for one table) or 6 (for two tables)
- When not on the table players must sit on the allocated chairs and must not walk around within the centre (unless using the toilets when you must observe the one-way system)
- No handshaking/slapping hands
- No breathing on the ball to clean
- No shouting or spitting
- No hand wiping on the table
- Players should use one side of the table and not swap ends
- Members must bring their own drinks bottles and take them away after the booking – these will be permitted on court but must have a sports cap
- Doubles play is not permitted (unless partners are from the same household or support bubble)
After play:
- Players must wipe down their side of the table upon finishing their session using the spray bottle and paper towels provided
- Exit via the store room
- There will be the minimum of a 15-minute break between table bookings
- You must contact the centre by telephone if within 2 weeks of attending the centre, you or any of your household test positive for Coronavirus