Table Tennis England IM fees 2020/21
Published 27/07/2020 at 22:15:20 by Michael Howard.
As you may be aware, the IM fees we all pay to Table Tennis England (TTE) run from 1 August each year to the following 31 July, so the fee for last season runs out on Friday 31 July. TTE has been sending out emails about this and many players may have received these. You do not have to renew immediately, but can choose to do so. The IM fee for 2020/21 will again be £16 (£8 for juniors), the same as for last season. If anyone decides to renew directly, please note that this season TTE is revamping the names of its membership categories and those who will play in a League will now be known as Compete Members.We hope that it will be possible to organise a league competition in MK for the 2020/21 season. At present we can't say when this can start, or what format it will take, except that TTE has stated that doubles play will not be possible.Sport is now possible at internal venues, but this may not yet be acceptable to some of the venues used by our Clubs and this may affect what we as a League can do. Once decisions have been made, entry forms will be sent out to Club Secretaries in the usual way. These would normally have been sent out in early June for response by early July, but of course this year is a little different! The TTE IM fees can be paid through the league when team entry forms are submitted to David Bartlett, so it will be important for anyone who has paid direct to TTE to make this clear when team forms are submitted.
Other Leagues may commence before MK. The TTE IM fee must be paid before anyone plays in a League affiliated to TTE. Other leagues may expect players to pay theri own IM fee direct to TTE.
Inevitably, careful and strict arrangements for social distancing, hand-sanitisation and table cleaning will be required in accordance with government requirements. Restrictions will be needed for some time to come, probably for the whole of the 2020/21 season. TTE has published templates on its website for how venuess can be set up for use of 1 or more tables, with supporting .advice.
Mike Howard
Chairman MKTTL