Table Tennis England EGM 25 January 2021 at 7pm
Published 06/01/2021 at 18:09:36 by Michael Howard.
Table Tennis England has arranged an Emergency General Meeting, following a request by at least 5% of the appointed Members entitled to vote-basically League and County representatives. This will take place by Zoom, or another on-line method, on Monday 25 January at 7pm. I will attend the EGM as the League's appointed Member. Details of the motions involved are set out on the TTE website. I have revceived a statement about this from TTE on 6 January and more information will apparently be forthcoming. This may be added to the TTE website.The basis of the EGM relates to concerns raised in emails by Tony Catt, who was appointed a director of TTE about 18 months ago. He has said in emails prior to to the arrangement of teh EGM that he has raised a number of issues wtih the TTE Board, which have not been answered fully. I do not know the details of these questions, but expect Tony Catt to issue a statement via email to voting Members to clarify his position. The EGM motions include Tony Catt's motion of no confidence in the TTE Board and a motion to remove the Chair Sandra Deaton and the Chief Executive Sarah Sutcliffe and a Board motion to remove Tony Catt as a Director. Discliplinary proceedings against Tony Catt were commenced by the TTE Board and an independent report has recently been completed and its terms, which have not been published, are apparently being considered by the Board.
If anyone has particular knowledge and details of theissues raised by Tony Catt agaisnt the TTE Board or its officials, or by the TTE Board against Tony Catt, I would be pleased to hear from you. Similarly if any League player has any views how you would like me to vote on behalf of the league at the EGM, please let me know.