Tournaments dates and entry forms
Published 07/02/2022 at 12:03:06 by Chris Welch.
This season's Closed Tournament will take place on Sunday February 27th. As usual there will be a maximum fee payable, so please enter all the events you can. Players from all divisions are welcome and will enjoy the day. There are a number of specific events for lady players, as well as the mixed doubles. There is also a Restricted Doubles event for players from Divisions 3 to 6.There will also be the League's fun tournament on Sunday 27th March. This is the event which usually takes place in November, and which will comprise the popular Handicap Singles and Pot Luck Doubles events, as well as the Nick Warton Trophy event, which is only for players from Division 2 to Division 6. We will not hold a Hard Bat event this season.
These events will take place at the Kingston TT Centre. Entry forms can be downloaded with the links below:
MKTTL Closed Championship form 2021-22
MKTTL Handicap form 2021-22
The end of season Top 8 events will take place in the last week of April. Players from Premier Division, Division 1 and Division 2 will play on Monday 25th April, those from Divisions 3 and 4 on Tuesday 26th April and Divisions 5 and 6 on Wednesday 27th April.
Advance notice: We plan to hold a combined AGM and Presentation Evening at Mursley Village Hall on Saturday 7th May.