Scorecards for the 2022/23 season
Published 08/09/2022 at 22:42:02 by Michael Howard; edited 2 times, last on 27/09/2022 at 12:21:46 by Michael Howard.
I have collected the new scorecards for the season starting Monday 12 September. These are now A5 size, so there is more room to enter the scores for each leg. Scorecards from previous seasons can continue to be used. Please either post the card to me or email a copy to both Chris Welch on and to me on will be at the Kingston Table Tennis Centre on Monday 12 September, as the Newport Pagnell home matches that night have been switched to that venue. I will take the scorecards for each Club with me, so that they can be collected during the evening, from about 7.20pm.
There are 2 matches at Mursley and 1 at Padbury that night. If those teams don't have scorecards laft over from last season, please download and print copies from the website.