League tournament on 20 November 2022
Published 30/10/2022 at 22:45:14 by Michael Howard; edited 1 times, last on 21/11/2022 at 15:42:10 by Michael Howard.
The League's autumn tournament will take place at Kingston on Sunday 20th November 2022. This comprises a Handicap Singles, a Pot luck Doubles and the Nick Warton Trophy, a singles event which is only open to players from Divisions 2 - 7. If time permits, there will also be a Hard Bat event. There is a maximum entry fee of £10, which can be paid by cheque or direct to the League's bank account. The closing date for entries will be Monday 14th November, so that I can prepare the draw.A copy of the tournament entry form is being circulated to all team captains, for forwarding to team members. I will also ask Chris Welch to add a copy to the website. Please contact me if you would like an entry form sent to you direct by email.