Loan players /playing up -reminders
Published 26/10/2022 at 16:10:37 by Michael Howard.
The week of 24 October ends the first round of scheduled matches. Over 20 people have already played up for higher teams in their Club, some on more than one occasion. This post is a reminder of league rule 11 (a) which explains the situation.Anyone can play up for a team in one or more higher divisions, but can only do so on a total of 3 occasions, no matter how many teasm this is for. On a 4th occasion, the player will automatically be re-registered for the lowest-ranked of the teams for which that person has played up. A player can be asked to play up for 2 different teams from their club in the same division. Please note that there is a specific restriction which means that someone can only play up against the same opposing team once during the season.
Chris Welch has developed a helpful list on the league website of all those who have played up, indicating which team they have played up for and the opposition team on each occasion. This can be checked through the Reports tab. A team captain looking for someone to play up should check the list carefully and the player approached should use it to ensure that they have not already played up 3 times and also to ensure that they have not already played against the opposing team. .