Bucks County Closed Championships Sunday October 27th 2024
Here is the information sheet for this season's Bucks County TT Championships. I hope that some players from our league will participate,
Buckinghamshire County Table Tennis Association Closed Individual Championships 2024-2025
These are being held on Sunday October 27th 2024 at the Cippenham Table Tennis Centre, The Westgate School, Cippenham Lane, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 5AH
Start time 9.00 a.m. Doors open 8.30 a.m.
The Events:
Menâ s Singles
Ladies Singles
Menâs Doubles
Ladies Doubles
Mixed Doubles
Menâs Veteran Singles (40+)
Ladies Veteran Singles (40+)
Veterans Intermixed Doubles (40+)
Super Veterans Intermixed Singles (60+)
The first round of the singles events (except 60+) will be run on a group basis.
If time permits consolation singles events may be run.
In order to enter the Championships players must be resident or born in Bucks (includes Slough & Milton Keynes Unitary Districts) or must have represented the County in 6 or more County Team matches,
Should there be insufficient entrants the Association reserve the right to cancel an event or the tournament. An event may be varied if there is an unexpected number of entrants.
For enquiries or to receive entry forms contact Brian Whitehead (Tournament Secretary) at:
phone: 01442 822 226 e-mail: bcw.tt@btinternet.com