Abhay Tijare


Milton Keynes Sharks (Division One)

Played 1
Won 0
Drawn 1
Lost 0
Played 3
Won 1
Lost 2
Won (%) 33.33
Played 11
Won 4
Lost 7
Won (%) 36.36
Played 198
Won 97
Lost 101
Won (%) 48.99
Date Date Playing for Playing against Opponent Score Result Membership type
16/09/2024 2024-09-16 Milton Keynes Sharks Mursley Hawks Ian Spanswick 11-9, 2-11, 7-11, 11-13 Win Active
16/09/2024 2024-09-16 Milton Keynes Sharks Mursley Hawks Mark Dixon 11-4, 11-4, 11-9 Loss Active
16/09/2024 2024-09-16 Milton Keynes Sharks Mursley Hawks Martin Johnson 11-6, 2-11, 13-11, 11-8 Loss Active
  • has not played any doubles games yet.
Registered team Milton Keynes Sharks
Division Division One
This form is not specific to the season you're viewing and will show all games between Abhay and the opposition person you enter, regardless of the season it was played in.
Season Date Date (sortable) Division Division (rank) Team Opposing team Game score Scores Result Venue
Abhay Tijare has been registered in 9 seasons.