Andy Pearson


Milton Keynes Powers (Division Two)

Played 1
Won 1
Drawn 0
Lost 0
Played 3
Won 3
Lost 0
Won (%) 100.00
Played 13
Won 9
Lost 4
Won (%) 69.23
Played 225
Won 124
Lost 101
Won (%) 55.11
Date Date Playing for Playing against Opponent Score Result Membership type
18/09/2024 2024-09-18 Milton Keynes Powers Greenleys Princes Richard Bailey 7-11, 9-11, 8-11 Win Active
18/09/2024 2024-09-18 Milton Keynes Powers Greenleys Princes Saravana Kumar 6-11, 4-11, 11-5, 11-6, 6-11 Win Active
18/09/2024 2024-09-18 Milton Keynes Powers Greenleys Princes Anand Keshav 11-5, 5-11, 11-9, 4-11, 8-11 Win Active
Date Date Playing for Playing against Partner Opponents Score Result Membership type
18/09/2024 2024-09-18 Milton Keynes Powers Greenleys Princes Peter Tillotson Anand Keshav & Saravana Kumar 6-11, 5-11, 7-11 Win Active
Registered team Milton Keynes Powers
Division Division Two
This form is not specific to the season you're viewing and will show all games between Andy and the opposition person you enter, regardless of the season it was played in.
Season Date Date (sortable) Division Division (rank) Team Opposing team Game score Scores Result Venue
Andy Pearson has been registered in 2 seasons.