Peter Pearce


Little Horwood Destroyers (Division Six)

Played 15
Won 3
Drawn 5
Lost 7
Played 44
Won 14
Lost 30
Won (%) 31.82
Played 157
Won 57
Lost 100
Won (%) 36.31
Played 2,924
Won 1,359
Lost 1,565
Won (%) 46.48
Date Date Playing for Playing against Opponent Score Result Membership type
20/09/2016 2016-09-20 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Peter Nickol 11-5, 11-9, 8-11, 7-11, 11-8 Win Active
20/09/2016 2016-09-20 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Mark Cowdrey 10-12, 10-12, 5-11 Loss Active
28/09/2016 2016-09-28 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Gerry Houghton 5-11, 8-11, 11-8, 11-8, 11-5 Loss Active
28/09/2016 2016-09-28 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Liz May 4-11, 11-8, 11-7, 4-11, 7-11 Win Active
28/09/2016 2016-09-28 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Mick Miles 11-3, 11-6, 9-11, 12-10 Loss Active
04/10/2016 2016-10-04 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers John Taylor 2-11, 6-11, 6-11 Loss Active
04/10/2016 2016-10-04 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers Peter Amsden 14-12, 9-11, 7-11, 10-12 Loss Active
04/10/2016 2016-10-04 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers Mike Manlow 11-9, 11-7, 13-11 Win Active
10/10/2016 2016-10-10 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit Chris King 11-7, 9-11, 11-3, 11-4 Loss Active
10/10/2016 2016-10-10 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit Geoffrey Turner 11-3, 11-4, 11-9 Loss Active
10/10/2016 2016-10-10 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit John Bailey 11-8, 4-11, 11-8, 11-9 Loss Active
18/10/2016 2016-10-18 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts John Hardy 12-10, 13-11, 4-11, 11-6 Loss Active
18/10/2016 2016-10-18 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Edward Londy 9-11, 7-11, 5-11 Win Active
18/10/2016 2016-10-18 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Elaine Bond 12-10, 11-13, 11-3, 13-11 Loss Active
25/10/2016 2016-10-25 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Tony Leeder 11-5, 11-5, 6-11, 11-8 Win Active
25/10/2016 2016-10-25 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Barry Agnew 16-14, 5-11, 8-11, 6-11 Loss Active
25/10/2016 2016-10-25 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Jim Razey 5-11, 5-11, 11-13 Loss Active
01/11/2016 2016-11-01 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls John Osborn 11-7, 7-11, 7-11, 6-11 Loss Active
01/11/2016 2016-11-01 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Chris Hill 11-6, 8-11, 11-6, 5-11, 11-8 Win Active
01/11/2016 2016-11-01 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Ian Warner 8-11, 4-11, 7-11 Loss Active
07/11/2016 2016-11-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Mark Cowdrey 9-11, 11-9, 11-4, 11-6 Loss Active
07/11/2016 2016-11-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Roger Yates 5-11, 10-12, 9-11 Win Active
07/11/2016 2016-11-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Tim Pain 11-13, 11-4, 11-7, 11-9 Loss Active
15/11/2016 2016-11-15 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Gerry Houghton 8-11, 2-11, 12-14 Loss Active
15/11/2016 2016-11-15 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Liz May 11-2, 12-10, 11-6 Win Active
15/11/2016 2016-11-15 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Mick Miles 14-16, 6-11, 8-11 Loss Active
23/11/2016 2016-11-23 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers Peter Amsden 11-9, 11-7, 11-8 Loss Active
23/11/2016 2016-11-23 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers John Taylor 11-2, 11-2, 12-10 Loss Active
23/11/2016 2016-11-23 Little Horwood Destroyers St. Christopher Crunchers Jean Mayson 12-10, 11-13, 9-11, 8-11 Win Active
06/12/2016 2016-12-06 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Elaine Bond 2-11, 12-14, 11-8, 9-11 Loss Active
06/12/2016 2016-12-06 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts John Hardy 12-10, 11-4, 13-11 Win Active
06/12/2016 2016-12-06 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Mike Maunders 8-11, 8-11, 8-11 Loss Active
12/12/2016 2016-12-12 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Barry Agnew 11-9, 11-5, 11-4 Loss Active
12/12/2016 2016-12-12 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Jim Razey 12-10, 11-7, 9-11, 11-9 Loss Active
12/12/2016 2016-12-12 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Lloyd Ellis 11-6, 11-5, 6-11, 11-6 Loss Active
09/01/2017 2017-01-09 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls John Osborn 11-8, 11-1, 11-8 Loss Active
09/01/2017 2017-01-09 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Arthur Cox 4-11, 3-11, 12-14 Win Active
09/01/2017 2017-01-09 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Ian Warner 11-6, 11-3, 13-11 Loss Active
27/02/2017 2017-02-27 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit John Bailey 14-12, 11-6, 11-8 Loss Active
27/02/2017 2017-02-27 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit Geoffrey Turner 11-9, 11-5, 11-7 Loss Active
27/02/2017 2017-02-27 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit David Isaacs 8-11, 7-11, 11-5, 8-11 Win Active
07/03/2017 2017-03-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Mike Maunders 12-10, 11-7, 13-11 Loss Active
07/03/2017 2017-03-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Edward Londy 9-11, 4-11, 8-11 Win Active
07/03/2017 2017-03-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts John Line 9-11, 9-11, 11-7, 6-11 Win Active
Date Date Playing for Playing against Partner Opponents Score Result Membership type
20/09/2016 2016-09-20 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Colin Smith Mark Cowdrey & Peter Nickol 8-11, 11-9, 11-7, 11-8 Win Active
28/09/2016 2016-09-28 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Sparks Jon Gilpin Gerry Houghton & Liz May 11-9, 11-9, 9-11, 11-7 Loss Active
10/10/2016 2016-10-10 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit Melvin Hughes Chris King & Geoffrey Turner 6-11, 2-11, 14-12, 11-7, 9-11 Win Active
18/10/2016 2016-10-18 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Melvin Hughes Elaine Bond & John Hardy 11-7, 11-8, 5-11, 13-11 Loss Active
25/10/2016 2016-10-25 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Colin Smith Barry Agnew & Tony Leeder 6-11, 7-11, 10-12 Loss Active
01/11/2016 2016-11-01 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Melvin Hughes John Osborn & Ian Warner 3-11, 5-11, 11-9, 5-11 Loss Active
07/11/2016 2016-11-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Little Horwood Cruisers Melvin Hughes Roger Yates & Tim Pain 12-14, 6-11, 9-11 Win Active
12/12/2016 2016-12-12 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Colin Smith Barry Agnew & Lloyd Ellis 11-4, 11-6, 11-5 Loss Active
09/01/2017 2017-01-09 Little Horwood Destroyers Padbury Night Owls Melvin Hughes John Osborn & Ian Warner 11-8, 9-11, 13-11, 9-11, 6-11 Win Active
27/02/2017 2017-02-27 Little Horwood Destroyers Woburn Sands Init to Spinit Melvin Hughes David Isaacs & Geoffrey Turner 6-11, 4-11, 2-11 Win Active
07/03/2017 2017-03-07 Little Horwood Destroyers Milton Keynes Allsorts Melvin Hughes Mike Maunders & John Hardy 11-6, 5-11, 10-12, 4-11 Win Active
28/03/2017 2017-03-28 Little Horwood Destroyers Mursley Strikers Jon Gilpin Gerald O'Dell & Janet Pullan 4-11, 11-8, 10-12, 1-11 Loss Active
This form is not specific to the season you're viewing and will show all sets between Peter and the opposition person you enter, regardless of the season it was played in.
Season Date Date (sortable) Division Division (rank) Team Opposing team Set score Scores Result Venue
Peter Pearce has been registered in 9 seasons.